Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Persecuted becomes The Persecutor

"[The Palestinians] will bring upon themselves a bigger HOLOCAUST because we will use all our might to defend ourselves.” - Matan Vilnai, Israeli Deputy Defence Minister, March 2008.

The Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors from WORLD WAR II are doing to the Palestinian People EXACTLY what was done to them by Nazi Germany . . .

Building walls and fences to keep people imprisoned . . .

Check points that do not allow people basic freedom of movement . . .

Arrests & harassments . . .

Destroying Homes & Livelihood . . .

Gifts (with Love) from the Children of Peace-Loving & Civilized Countries . . .

And, the "Classic" Propaganda Machine:
The following black & white picture can be found in most American & other Western Countries' History Books, Encyclopedias, Libraries, & Museums. It's a powerful image depicting a young Jewish boy with his hands up while Nazi troops point their guns at him & his family in order to expel them from their homes. The image is meant to incite sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust, & to further support their cause for a homeland.

And, yet, the Israeli soldiers use the same exact tactics as the Nazi soldiers did way back then . . .

This is NOT Justice. This is NOT Peace. This is NOT Right.